
Are Gluten Free Crackers As Good As The ‘Real’ Thing?

2 Mins read

Crackers are brilliant, aren’t they? You can eat them on their own, you can add a slice of cheese and or meat on top of them, use them to scoop and dip, softly spread soft cheese, ham, butter, peanut butter, and a whole host of other things. If you love crackers but have recently received a coeliac disease diagnosis, you might be wondering what the world of gluten free crackers has in store for you? Luckily, there are some great options on the market, as well as crackers available through a gluten free prescription in some places, if you qualify for it.

Are crackers gluten free?

Crackers are a favourite staple snack, but most crackers contain wheat and therefore contain gluten. This makes it a no-no for any person with a gluten intolerance or coeliac disease. This can often mean that you miss out on some of the good-looking, tasty bits at parties, weddings, and other big events, where there might be a charcuterie board with meats, cheese and crackers

Living a gluten-free diet

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. Many snack foods (such as crackers) contain some form of gluten, whether to bind together ingredients or to thicken products. A gluten-free diet means eliminating any form of gluten. If one of your favourite snacks is a cracker, this might pose a problem. 

If you are coeliac or gluten intolerant, removing gluten from your diet will significantly improve your health.

The future of gluten-free crackers

Snacking is important, and crackers are an important part of the snacking world. As the improvements in gluten free snacking options continue at a fast pace with current trends, the humble gluten free cracker will be front and centre. One of the things that makes a cracker great is that simple, satisfying crunch, snap, and texture which is why so many people even eat crackers on their own with no accompaniment. Gluten-free crackers satisfy this need in people, with a great crunch and offer the same enjoyment as a traditional cracker. 

These days, many gluten-free crackers are just as good as the ‘real’ thing, to the extent that you’ll stop comparing them soon enough if you are gluten-free. They will taste as good as any cracker you’ve had before. It’s all about choosing the right products, from the right sources, and looking at flavour profile.

There are some incredible crackers out there on the gluten-free market today, with some amazing flavours to choose from. Whether you go for the standard, delicious crackers on gluten-free prescription that are a fantastic base to work from, or you look at some different types of flavours and textures, there is a lot to try out. 

  • Sea Salt – perfect as a cracker accompaniment with any dip or spread, adding a salty bite.
  • Multi-grain crackers – gluten-free multi-grain crackers are available from various brands, adding that extra texture and flavour for your healthy snack.
  • Olive oil and sea salt – to snack with olive oil, olives and Mediterranean dips, such as hummus.   
  • Roasted vegetable – if you love a roasted vegetable and the flavours of mixed veg in a cracker, this flavour is a good shout to eat with guacamole or tzatziki.
  • Super seed crackers – plenty of seeds that add texture and help the crackers to shatter in a satisfying way.
  • Almond flour crackers – a really pleasant texture that is mild and offers crunch, you’ll find almond flour crackers with an array of flavour combinations, including rosemary and sea salt.

These are just a few examples of different types of gluten-free crackers that you can choose from. If you love crackers but have received a coeliac diagnosis, there is no need to worry, there are still tasty crackers on the market and through gluten-free prescription for you to snack on, or to host a party gluten-free, or just for everyday use.